Matchbox Emergency Patrol
Cheatbook your source for Cheats, Video game Cheat Codes and Game Hints, Walkthroughs, FAQ, Games Trainer, Games Guides, Secrets, cheatsbook. Over 1. 00. 0 obsolete matchbox toys listed here. Click. on a link below to go direct to where you want on this page. Blue window boxes UK. USA. releases US specials twins, sets. Code 3 vans EMAIL amp. ORDERING BACK TO INDEXSearch for specific. Browser FIND facilities. Search the A. to Z index of 8. HEREFor Abbreviations of Model box conditions, colours, wheel. CLICK HERE for. matchbox index, e mail, ordering and exit ALL PRICES ARE. IN GB. POUNDSPlease scroll down to All regular Super. Fast 1 to 7. 5. BOXED PRE SUPERFAST. MATCHBOX All are boxed and as new. AMAlmost mint means the model. SCSlightly chipped. VSCvery. slightly chipped. Most boxes are good some have. BMSmarks scratched on baseplate. Diesel Road Roller. Pontiac red. No patent mark. VSCSC. Box., 1. Magirus Deutz Crane Lorry. ZEEZYLMEX brief history and variation listing. By Martin Rayner. The Zee Toy Company produced various ranges of approximately 164 scale diecast toy cars from the. Welcome to the Home Front Collection. This is the first site entirely devoted to the British Home Front during World War Two, offering a wide range of. AM. Box., 2. 5. Rentaset TV van no aerial. Army Recovery Vehicle. B., 1. 2. 0. 07. Daimler bus. AM., 1. 5. 0. 07. Daimler bus. green. Esso., 2. 0. 0. ENGLISH SUPERFASTModels in new condition unless stated. P., Picture box W. Window box B., Blister pack G. German transparent box. U ., USA box. Boxes good unless which are shopsoiled etc. R ., Resealed blister pack P1. Londoner Bus Berger Round. AM ,2. 0. 0 P1. 7 Londoner Bus Museum of London NEW. W1. 7 Titan bus dark blue Keddies. B1. 7 Londoner Silver Jubilee bus on special blister. Code 3 1. 7 busesnot authorised by LesneyP1. Londoner Bus. Vintage Parade Sheffield 1. CODE 3. ., 2. 0. R4. Tractor. blue. Ford on bonnet M AM. P7. 5 Seasprite helicopter rescue whitered, red glass, label one. Mint., 1. 0. 0. P7. Seasprite helicopter rescue whitered, blue glass Mint but. ENGLISH BASEPLATES. AMERICAN NUMBERING SERIESU American boxes or B or. Shop for matchbox car toy you will love online at Target. Free shipping and save 5 every day with your Target REDcard. R blisters. U2. 0 4x. JeepDesert Dawgwhtred. U6. 9 Willys street Rod. M AM., 7. 0. 0III 4. Pow NO BOX., 4. Dodge Charger white,7. Orange Peel NO BOX Hong Kong. B4. 4 4x. 4 Chevy van. High no front tampo. R4. 4 4x. 4 Chevy Ditto. SUPERFAST MATCHBOX IN. BLUE WINDOW BOXESAll with UK numbers in blue window boxes photo. Bases read MMacau. C China. T Thailand. M1. 7 Titan bus W. Matchbox Emergency Patrol' title='Matchbox Emergency Patrol' />H. Smith Travel. M1. Pet cement truck yellorange, rare Dirty Dumper tampo from. M2. 5 Audi Quatro maroon, torn box. SUPERFAST MATCHBOX IN. BLISTERST 1 Jag wtpolice shield on door ,2. T1. 0 Chevrolet van. Matchbox Motorsports. T2. 3 Tipper. yellred PACE. C2. 9 Tractorshovel orangegrey ,1. C4. 9 Lamborghini yellow Diablo opened resealed. T5. 2 Isuzi Amigo redtampos ,1. C6. 6 Rolls Royce met red ,1. CLICK HERE for. matchbox index, e mail, ordering and exit ALL PRICES ARE. IN GB. POUNDSPlease scroll down to UK world special issues. MB MINIATURES SPECIAL. ISSUES6 Racing car. Mr Juicy., 3. 0. SPECIAL ISSUES like Museum of London Keddies Nestles dark. Silver Jubilee SEE P1. PREVIOUS PAGEM1. 7 Titan bus W. H. Smith Travel orangewhite. Code 3 1. 7 busesnot authorised by Lesney On English base. Londoner bus. 17 Bus. Vintage Parade Sheffield 1. CODE 3. ., 2. 0. See also 1. Picture box listing. Crookes Health Care. CO OP., 4. 0. 0 3. Ford Escort RS Cosworth MOL Team Rally Hungarian promotional issue, fully decaled and in special box. Matchbox Speedshop. Moorland centre. William Lusty., 4. Chester Heraldry. James Neale., 3. Toy Collectors Guide. Benton Modern Font on this page. Sherbet. red roof chassis. Heddington Rally 1. CODE 3., 5. 0. 03. I. O. M. TT races 1. I. O. M. TT races 1. I. O. M. TT races 1. Isle of Man TT 1. I. O. M. TT races 1. Tittensor., 3. 0. Lightwater Theme Park. Nat West Bank., 2. Kellogs 1st. plain white box. Rayners Crusha., 3. Dewhurst., 4. 0. Silvo., 4. MICA. USA Convention 1. SB. ,5. 0. 03. 8 2nd MICA Convention USA SB. MICA USA., 4. MICA UK Aldershot 1. Field Ambulance The. British Army badly printed one side SB. MICA UK SB., 3. Big Sister Aust. Historical CollPhouse Aust. Matchbox USAConven 9. York Fair 1. 98. 9 SB. York Fair 1. 99. 1 SB. Jordans., 3. 0. Pava., 4. BBC. green., 4. Bass Museum. Brains Faggots., 6. York Fair 1. 99. 0 SB. Chester Toy Museum. SB., 5. 0. 0 3. Guernsey Post Office. Jacky Maeder on Swiss blister 5. PG tips Tea., 4. Ford T van P. G. Tips., 6. 0. 0 4. Ford T van Para 9. Airborn Forces Jubilee Almost mint. Sauber racer Bisotherm. Sauber racer red Royal Mail Swiftair. Pet tanker Gettyopened blis. Peter Cox Preservation. Pick up Bob Jane T Mart Aust. Airport coach Alitalia Amercan Airlines see previous. Jetspress Aust., 4. Porsche 9. 59. white. Lloyds no box., 5. Ferrari Testarossa. Lloyds no box. LLOYDSYARDLEY SET. MB Porsche. 9. 59. MB Ferrari Testarossa red. SB box, 7. 0. 0 Japan issues All in special. Fire engine redwht Jap Logoin Japanese Renault 5 box. HUNGARIAN MATCHBOX5. Citroen SM met green. In a split resealed blister. BULGARIAN MATCHBOX2. Lincoln Continental Red, black roof NO BOX 3. CLICK HERE for. matchbox index, e mail, ordering and exit ALL PRICES ARE. IN GB. POUNDSPlease scroll down to All USA releases US specials. U. S. A. SPECIAL EDITIONS BASEBALL 1. MB 3. 8s All in special boxes. Chicago white sox whtblue. Oakland Athletics yelgrnwt. Atlanta Braves., 3. Chicago Cubs., 3. BASEBALL 1. 99. 1 MB3. All in. special boxes. Cardinals., 3. 0. BASEBALL 1. 99. 0. MB 3. 8s UNBOXED. Brewers. Yankees., 2. Braves., 2. 0. 0 Cubs. Astros., 2. 0. 0 ACTION PACKS. USA on special. All packs contain one MB Miniature plastic accessesories. EMERGENCY Breakdown Van. RACING Sprint racer blue 7. CONSTRUCTION. Utility Truck. CONSTRUCTION. Dump truck. USA 1. 99. 2 MATCHBOX TRADE FAIR T Bird yell. Special box., 1. U. S. A. ISSUES Nos quoted are U. Sseries numbers. English Striped Box. MRed rider. MODIFIEDS 1. SB. L. E. 1. 0. 0. Mike Stefanik. 1. Reggie Ruggiero. 4. Tony Hirschman. 1. Jamie Tomaino. 2. SPRINT CARS 1. 99. USA Series 1. SB. LE 1. 00. 001C Steve Kinser. C Mark Kinser. 1. C Steve Siegel. 5. MODIFIED LEGENDS 1. SB LE. 1. 00. 00Series 1. Jerry Cook. 3. 8. Carl Stevens. 4. Ron Bouchard. Maynard Troyer. 6. Series 3. 1 George Kent. Satch Worley. 4. Doug Heveron. Jamie Tomaino. 2. U S A BLISTER PACKED MODELS USA Numbering system. All these blistershave been opened resealed. CChina. MMacau. TThailand HHong Kong Regular Series. M1. 4 8. 7 Corvette yelredblk line Baseplate 1 in 5. M1. 7 Dodge Dakota redwhtblk. Volvo. Cool Paint Co. Chevy van. yellblue. C2. 7 Jet plane redwhtJet Set. M3. 1 Mazda RX7 blkgoldwht. Refuse trk. whorange. Disposal., 2. 0. M4. Ditto butMacaubottom left. Mission Chopper. M4. School bus yellblk tampo. M4. 7 but open rear lower window. C4. 8 Red Rider hot rod redwhite. M6. 5 F1 Racer yelred 5. U. S BOXED MODELS. USA NUMBERING. SERIESH3. Mazda RX7 blkcopperwht. M3. 7 Jeep 4x. 4rollbar blkredyell. WHITE ROSE RACING SUPER CARS. Chevrolet Lumina. KODAK., 3. 0. 0 Pontiac Grand Prix. MELLO YELLOW., 4. Ford Thunderbird. PHILLIPS., 3. 0. Ford Thunderbird. MOTORCRAFT., 2. Ford Thunderbird. MOTOTCRAFT. NO CARD. Chevrolet Lumina. FERREE BOXED., 4. DAYS OF THUNDER. Race car. Chevrolet Lumina. MELLO YELLOW., 3. SEE END OF CONVOY SECTION FOR. MATCHING TRANSPORTERS TO THE ABOVE 3 SERIESChevrolet Lumina. Performance Parts NO BOX. HOT STOCKS. Chevrolet Lumina. Yellow. 3. CHAMPION. Black. 4. CHAMPION. Black. 4. CHAMPION car only no card. Orange. 2. 2. GOODYEAR. Orange. 2. 2. GOODYEAR car only no card.