Upload File Asp Net C# Code
ArticleImages/20000802_1.png' alt='Upload File Asp Net C# Code' title='Upload File Asp Net C# Code' />File Upload Through JQuery AJAX In ASP. NET MVCIntroduction. In this article we will discuss about how to upload files through j. Query AJAX in ASP. NET MVC. Using Code. Start implementation, I want to introduce Form. Data object which is available in browser. Because with the help of Form. Data, we will send files to server. What is Form. Data The Form. Data interface provides a way to easily construct a set of keyvalue pairs representing form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using the XMLHttp. Request. send method. It uses the same format a form would use if the encoding type were set to multipartform data. We can create Form. Data objects like var temp. Object new Form. Data It contains the following methods Form. Data. append It appends a new value to Form. Data object. If key is not exists then creates a new key. Form. Data. delete It deletes a key value pair from object. Form. Data. entries It helps to iterate over all key value pairs present in object. Form. Data. get It returns value of given key within Form. Data object. From. Data. has It returns a Boolean value whether a given key is present inside object. Handlers/DownloadFile.ashx?File=c4102305-d2fd-416c-a0d4-05d0815ca075.png' alt='Upload File Asp Net C# Code' title='Upload File Asp Net C# Code' />In an earlier post, I described how to implement a file upload using Ajax and ASP. NET WebAPI. This works great but it means that you need to have a WebAPI controller. Upload File Asp Net C# Code' title='Upload File Asp Net C# Code' />The HTML markup is simple, it contains an ASP. Net FileUpload control, a Button to trigger the upload process and an ASP. Net GridView that will display the uploaded. Multiple file upload for server side uploading was introduced in Asp. Net version 2. 0. This control helps in uploading a variety of files, also prevents duplicate uploads. Update Pure ASP File Upload Gets a Speed Boost. Jacob Gilleys Pure ASP File Upload is an effective, free method for uploading user files to your server. ASP. NET is an opensource serverside web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow. Using of jQuery Ajax file uploading in the ASP. NET MVC application. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to upload Excel File and then read and import its data into DataSet or DataTable using C and VB. Net in ASP. Net Web. File upload in ASP. NET MVC using Dropzone JS and HTML5, mvc, asp. Venkat Baggu blog, mvc. Form. Data. keys It helps to get all keys present inside object. Form. Data. set It helps to setupdate a new value to existing keys or add new key value pair if doesnt exist. Form. Data. values Returns an iterator allowing to go through all values of the keyvalue pairs contained in this object. In this way Form. Data helps to send files, value to server through AJAX request. Kraun Cavo Adattatore Seriale Usb Wireless Adapter'>Kraun Cavo Adattatore Seriale Usb Wireless Adapter. However, one disadvantage is old browsers doesnt support Form. Data object and its methods. Next we will design a viewindex. HTML upload control and Java. Script code. lt input typefile idFile. Aspdotnetsuresh offers C. VB. NET Articles,Gridview articles,code examples of asp. Upload. 1 lt input typebutton idbtn. Upload valueUpload Files lt script srchttps ajax. Upload. clickfunction if window. Form. Data undefined var file. Upload File. Upload. Upload. files var file. Data new Form. Data for var i 0 i lt files. Data. appendfilesi. Data. appendusername, Manas . HomeUpload. Files, type POST, content. Type false, process. Data false, data file. Data, success function result alertresult , error function err alerterr. Sleepless Indie Film Full Movie there. Text else alertForm. Data is not supported. In preceding code, first it checks whether windows. Form. Data is valid in browse. Because, using Form. Data we will send data to server through AJAX request. Once Form. Data object presence checked, it creates a new object. Then it fetches files injected in upload control and loop over it to add files to Form. Data object. Controller Home. Controller. csIn Home. Contoller we need to add the following action Upload. Files to save files from coming AJAX request. Here is the code Http. Post public Action. Result Upload. Files if Request. Files. Count 0 try Http. File. Collection. Base files Request. Files for int i 0 i lt files. Count i Http. Posted. File. Base file filesi string fname if Request. Browser. Browser. To. Upper IE Request. Browser. Browser. To. Upper INTERNETEXPLORER string testfiles file. File. Name. Splitnew char fname testfilestestfiles. Length 1 else fname file. File. Name fname Path. CombineServer. Map. PathUploads, fname file. Save. Asfname return JsonFile Uploaded Successfully catch Exception ex return JsonError occurred. Error details ex. Message else return JsonNo files selected. In preceding code, first it checks no. Request object. Next, Http. File. Collection. Base class collects all files from request object. Once it collects all files, it loop over all files and save it one by one. After saving files it returns JSON data to browser that it is successfully uploaded, and if exception occurs then it send exception message in JSON format. Above code is suitable for only one file at a time but if you want to upload multiple files then you need to go for a small change. That is add an attribute called multiple in file upload control like the following lt input typefile idFile. Upload. 1 multiple Except multiple tag everything will be same in View and Controller page. You can also upload files through HTML form tagwithout using AJAX, visit here. The formHTML tag makes round trip to server but AJAX do not. On the other hand, if your file is larger then AJAX might throw Time. Out issue. You can overcome the issue with time out property of AJAX. Reference. Form Data. Conclusion. In this article we discussed how to upload files to server j. Query AJAX request. You can upload files in two ways AJAX and without AJAX through Form tag. Choose appropriate one as per your file size and environment.