Almost Single By Advaita Kala

Yoga Glossary Sanskrit to English Annotated Sanskrit to English Yoga Glossary. An annotated Yoga glossary focused mainly on Patanjalis  Yoga Sutras and Hatha Yoga in general. Yoga Sutras references are displayed by Roman numerals chapter numbers followed by standard numerals indicating chapter and verse references. This is an ongoing work in progress. A not, devoid of, empty, free from, or neutral such in apara, abhava, asteya, asatya, alinga, ahimsa, or aklishta, etc. Abhasa IV. 1. 9 Abhava Absence. Absence of feeling or awareness. The feeling of absence, lack of intentionality, or coherent feeling. Non being. Technically, for a samkhya dualist, abhava means non existence as an indifferent or isolated subjective state of non feeling indifference. KQH17whDlWsC/PR2/ACfU3U1GLeuxY7HGrIjTiTR_ljF1rIyTKg_z.png' alt='Almost Single By Advaita Kala' title='Almost Single By Advaita Kala' />Candi refers to a structure based on the Indian type of singlecelled shrine, with a pyramidal tower above it, and a portico. The term Candi is given as a prefix to. Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and emailbased groups with a rich experience for community conversations. Almost Single By Advaita Kala' title='Almost Single By Advaita Kala' />Abhava is not yoga, but its negation, as the state of yoga is a state of interconnection and wholeness, not separation or absence. Because abhava connotes a nihilistic state of unawareness or ignorance, as such it is associated with the fundamental klesha, ignorance avidya. A confusion about the meaning of abhava can be rectified by realizing that bhava is not limited to denoting a state of isolated or individual beingness. KQH17whDlWsC/PR4/ACfU3U32WtZEu-VJrJu9vDuA7EMfxby_hw_z.png' alt='Almost Single By Advaita Kala' title='Almost Single By Advaita Kala' />Bhava can and in fact does reflect universal, self luminous, non dual clarity, and love albeit this light is often obscured and occluded in dualisticegoic states of mind where the citta vrtti and negativeafflictive emotions dominate. I. 1. 0. II. 2. 5 Also see bhavaAbhava pratyaya An aborted intention producing unstablewavering contents of the mind. Lacking in a coherent intention, focus, or mental content such as found in sleep. Guitar World Play Acoustic Rock Guitar Pdf here. I. 1. 0 Compare with bhava pratyayo I. Abhi a prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing to, towards, in the direction of, into, over, upon. Used as a prefix to verbs of motion expressing the the notion or going towards, approaching, etc. As a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs it expresses superiority, intensity. Abhibhava Overpowering in the direction of whence it came. Disappearing, emanating. III. 9 Abhighatah The state of being assailed, attacked, or struck. Experiencing conflict, stress, angst, anxiety attacks, or assault. II. 4. 8Abhijatasya unblemished, well born, pure born. I. 4. 1 Abhimata toward what is agreeable, suitable, or what one is drwan to inclination customized according to what is most suitable. I. 3. 9Abhinivesah Fear dvesa of death or attachment raga to temporal or physical existence. Attachment to impermanence. Attachment to the false idea that true imperishable self resides exclusively in the physical body. Attachment to the concept of ego as self. Abhinivesa is due to the absence of integrating creation with creativity, nature and spirit, shakti and shiva, muladhara and sahasrara. Lack of that continuity creates a continuity obsession a deep feeling of insecurity which results from grasping onto a false and limited substitute identifications, be it body, ego, identification with place, time, things, societal status, artificial systems or temporal systems changing phenomena. A tertiary klesha built upon raga and dvesa, which in turn is based upon asmita the egoic error of separate self and avidya lack of clear vision. The fifth of the principle 5 kleshas. II. II. 9. Abhivyaktir leading toward becoming distinct bringing into the field of perception leading toward discernment. IV. 8. Abhiyantara Internal inward see antar. II. 5. 0 Abhyasa A sustained effort focused and continuous conscious intent. Continuity in a focused application of yogic intent. At first this continuity is diffcult to sustain. Focused and passionate endeavor for unconditional release in abhyasa vairagyabhyam. In yoga all practice sadhana are effected by focused conscious application without attachment to results. This results in being present which releases the yogi from all false identifications samyoga and all the citta vrtti. A consistent sustained practice and dedicated self discipline sadhana that is process oriented versus goal oriemnted in achieving Now awareness i. Universal Self. Described together as abhyasa vairgyabhyam in Sutra I. This is thus the practice of being totally present HERE and NOW. It is elaborated upon in especially in I. I. 1. 4 suggests establishing abhyasa vairagyabhyam over a long time, until freedom from all craving is realized spiritual love I. I. 1. 7 1. 9. When dualistic attachment is realized, then temporalneurotic love is over. Sri Patanjali gives the practice of abhyasa vairagyabhyam in eight sutras between I. III. 5. 0. For more on abhyasa also see I. Acintya inconceivable. See nirvikalpa, nisprapanca, acintya, aprapancita, and aprapanca. Adarsa III. 3. 6Adesa adesha inner or divine command spiritual instruction by the teacherguide of yoga lifes spiritual purpose or destiny which is heard and acknowledged. In our relative thought we distinguish between Atman, Paramatman, and Jiva. The Truth is that these three are one and a realization of it is called Adesha. Attributed to Sri Gorakhnath. Adi others more. III. Adi Supreme, primordial, or original see atiAdi nath The original teacher of yoga the great master, Siva or Maheshvara isvara. Sometimes attributed to Dattatreya or Hirayangarbha. Adhara adhar base, root, foundation. Adhi Health Also see vyadhi. I. 3. 0. Adhigama Attainment, accomplishment, or realization. I. 2. 9 Adhimatra Extreme. Intense. I. 2. 3 II. Adhisthatritvam the quality of mastery literally the quality of over standing. III. 3. 9 Adho Downward. Toward the earth. Adhyatma The transpersonal natural original non dual self the authentic non dual true self beyond the limitations of and artifices of personality. I. 4. 7 Adhyatma yoga A method of realizing Brahman, not knowing by the mind, but knowing by being. It is an expansion of consciousness from individuality to the absolute, not merely an intellectually or emotionally satisfying background idea. Compare this description with yoga as the evolution and expansion of consciousness from the undifferentiated unborn universal seed source isvara to the individual specific jiva atman. Adi Primordial, original, foremost, topmost, supreme, highest. Adimatra very intense strong very keen. Best Islamic Naat. I. 2. 2 Adinath. Supreme and primordial master nath of yoga. An honorific title given to Shiva. Adisu and so forth. III. 2. 3, 2. 4, 3. Aditi from dhi bound and A not or un, hence unbound, boundless, limitless. The primordial mother of the sun, all adityas, and beings and the synthesis of all things, often associated with space akasa, and the primal substance mulaprakriti. The cosmic creatrix, the creativity of the all creating. Hence, Samantabhadri, the primordial Mother Buddha Buddhist the original boundless and timeless dharmakaya mind. The adityas being the expanse of mahasukha the all good. Adrsta That which is not seen or known unknown. II. 1. 2 Advaita advaya Non dual, literally not two. Agama One of the three constituents of pramana. Authoritative revealed authority. Witnessed by or reliable testimony that attests to a things verity or validity. I. 7 Agama has come to mean that which is affirmed, verified or vouched for as correct or right by an accepted external authority system such as the rishis, saints, guru, or scripture. Agama as used in the Yoga Sutras is one element in establishing pramana belief systems and doctrine.